Friday, February 24, 2012


Unwritten updates are piling up.  Time to just sit down and document the past few months...but for now, here are Ken and Joseph dancing to Stream of Praise.  We all love the choreography on this DVD.

Joseph had lost interest in it for a long time, then just yesterday, joined Lydia in dancing and singing.  It must have touched his soul because he proclaimed, while dancing, that he wanted to be a Christian when he grew up. :)

(just want to balance things out a bit. Our house does look like this on occasion. Oh yes, and there is our cute little puff watching her beloved Baby Einstein)


  1. Yes, exactly! Lydia is a cute little puff. :) That made me smile.

  2. Just saw this. Glad you can relate. :) Oh how I wish I could wake up to the above picture tomorrow morning...
