Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Mom, this is for you.
After driving up a short, steep, curved driveway, this is what you would see. (And there is Ken, slinging dog poo over the cliff right beyond the picture)

To the left of our cute little corrugated metal home is my attempt at a garden. Again, I will never give up hope.

This is our dining room. This is where a lot of life and learning happens. Mealtimes with a beautiful view of the ocean.

In fact, I need to find a picture of our view. Maybe I already put one up.
The kitchen is off to the right. A Laura Ingalls Wilder lean-to that I love. I'll find of a picture of that as well.

Ok, finally found them. Here is my cute, cozy, rustic kitchen:

And here is what we gaze upon every morning.


  1. Reminding me of Guatemala and Japan simultaneously! I'm salivating over the idea of a climate so perfect that you need only minimum protection from the elements!! Lovely home. :)

  2. Yes, the weather right now is pretty comfortable...but we are hearing warnings about the almost unbearably hot summers. We're bracing ourselves.

  3. I love your kitchen. I really feel we need to come see you guys and stand in your kitchen. If not just to see Ken fling poo.....
